1. Project brief description: EU50196 project – Steel Electrochemical Analysis
Causes for the stainless steel pipe welds leakage and the identification of potential problem welds, leak detection, before the formation.
Project task:
Avoid corrosion and related leaks stainless steel pipe welds.
Project results:
The causes for the stainless pipes leaks were detected. Possible measures to prevent and avoid problems and opportunities are identified. Damaged welds detecting method for a leak before the emergence has been issued by research institution according to the tests and appropriate guidence was issued.
Project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
The cost of the project: 4 000 EUR.
Baltic Workboats and University of Tartu Institute of Technology co-operation was possible thanks to the EAS “Innovation and development unit” support measures.
The project ‘Steel Electrochemical Analysis “funded by the European Regional Development Fund
Thank you EAS and the European Regional Development Fund.
2. Projekti lühikirjeldus: BWB arendueprojekt.
Eesmärk ja tulemus: AS Baltic Workboats plaanib Põhja-Ameerika turu jaoks välja töötada 13 kuni 20 meetrise uudse „wave-piercing“ vööriga lootsi/SAR laevatüübi, mille abil alustada müügitegevust ning ettevõtte tutvustamist potentsiaalsetel Põhja- ja Lõuna-Ameerika turgudel. Ühtlasi on plaanis suurendada ettevõtte ekspordi ning müügikäivet aastaks 2020 ligi 50% võrra võrreldes 2016-nda aastaga parandades samaegselt tootmislogistikat ja tootmiseffektiivsust..
Fondi nimetus: Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond
Toetuse summa: 452 550,00 EUR